SOUL (food)

Just as we train and celebrate our bodies with exercise, our mind and spirit with books and mindfulness, we must also find nourishment and enjoyment in our food.

I have a real passion for baking and an insatiable sweet tooth, but don't like all the additives I see in shop bought "goodies", therefore below are my tried and tested, fail-safe recipes that I use of which most can be frozen to exercise portion control!

On this page you will find everything from savoury recipes, sweet treats and how to go about growing your own...

In relation to protecting our planet, always make sure you can buy locally (avoiding air miles and plastic greenhouse grown produce with unsanitary living conditions) and sustainably where possible, avoiding over packaged "pretty" products which are just a result of clever advertsing!


ANYTHING from full of quality, fail-safe, indulgent recipes, always my go to for bringing something new to a friend's party!
Raw brownies:
Yummy gooey brownies, also great site for vegan recipes and I tend to freeze my batches and only pull out what I need which defrosts within the hour:
The BEST cookies if you like them soft, great with orange essence:
Super cute and super easy for Xmas, works well with orange or peppermint essence:
Lime and ginger drizzle cake, great alternative to lemon and ginger:
Daim, lockdown saviour:
Baileys and malteser fudge: